¡Adiós bloqueo! Bienvenidas ideas de contenidos brillantes

Fotografía de Vanessa Martínez

¿Te ha pasado que te quedas corto de ideas o tenés un bloqueo creativo? Sí la respuesta es sí, sos de los de mi equipo. Y por eso quiero compartir con vos tips y recomendaciones, para que podás superar esas limitantes y desarollés el contenido regular de tus plataformas digitales sin ningún inconveniente.

Al finalizar esta charla, verás como la página en blanco ya no será un reto para vos.



Por vmartinez008

I'm Nicaraguan, and I studied Social Communication, even though everyone told me I wouldn't survive with that career choice. However, it's the one that has opened many opportunities for me, both personally and professionally, for the past 7 years. I'm the only child, raised by a hardworking mother who taught me the importance of service, education, and respect. These are the reasons why I resonate with the philosophy of the WordPress Community, which has been a safe space for me and a source of constant growth and adventures.